Perseus - Into the Silence

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Perseus - Into the Silence
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Das 2024er Album der italienischen Power Melodic Metal Band in limitierter & numerierter 1000 Stück Auflage !
01. The Clash Of The Titans  1:16
02. Into The Silence   4:08 (Feat. duet with Roberto Tiranti on vocals, guitar solo by Aldo Lonobile)
03. Strange House 4:31 (Feat. duet with Wild Steel on vocals)
04. The Kingdom   4:26  (Feat. duet with Francesco Cavalieri vocals)
05. The Picture Of My Time 3:54 (Feat. duet with Claudia Beltrame on vocals)
06. Defenders Of Light  4:17 (Feat. duet with Marco Pastorino on vocals)
07. Il Labirinto Delle Ombre  3:31
08. Twilight  4:25  (Feat. duet with Max Aguzzi on vocals)
09. I Believe In Love 4:54 (Feat. duet with Anja Irullo on vocals)
10. Warrior 4:21 (Feat. duet with Damna on vocals)
11. Cruel Game 4:40(Feat. duet with Lica Micioni on vocals)
Escape Music 2024
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